turtlegirl316's Journal

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01 September 2017

I think I found a little piece of heaven in a mason jar!

On this journey of creating the new me I am learning a lot of things. I am a little bit of an adventurous soul so I like to try different flavors, ingredients, etc... The other day I made Overnight Oats for breakfast and it came out pretty good. last night I decided to alter that recipe and what a magical thing it became!

This particular batch of overnight oats I added some coconut cream and WOW - it was transformed! This will definitely be my new go to INDULGENT (because it does have quite a few calories) healthy treat!

I have modified the recipe for "treat" size below:

Overnight Steel Cut Oats - Delicious Desert Version
1/8 Cup Steel Cut Oats
1/4 Container So Delicious Coconut Yogurt (I used raspberry flavored)
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 Tablespoon Chia Seeds
1/4 Cup Coconut Cream
1/4 Cup Mixed Frozen Berries

Combine all ingredients except coconut cream and mixed berries in mason jar or small container with sealed lid, shake to mix and place in refrigerator overnight. In the morning, add coconut cream and top with the frozen berries. Let sit for 20-30 minutes. Stir and enjoy!

15.25gm Fat, 31.75gm Carbs (22 Net Carbs), 6gm Protein, and 272 Calories.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

31 August 2017

Sleep - It does a body good?

So I went to the doctor today and the visit went very well. I am down 2 pounds in a week, and I have to tell you - I am pretty darn PROUD of myself! I have been committed and faithful to this new lifestyle, even when it is painful - like today when someone bought PIZZA (a HUGE no-no for me with my no wheat, no dairy, etc... restrictions) for the office for lunch today! I did NOT give in, I ate my salad and fish which were actually quite good and very satisfying.

The one thing I was "scolded" on today is not getting enough sleep! Apparently, sleep is a magical healing environment (I know I sound skeptical - that's because I am!) and it is imperative to get AT LEAST 8 HOURS of sleep per night. Eight hours? Who does that? Not me - I am a certified Night Owl! I mean really? I've already given up the foods (a LOT of different foods) and now I have to put myself to bed like a toddler? I'm not sure I'm liking this whole new me thing so much at the moment..... I have been reading and there are tons of articles about how important sleep is and how it is VERY beneficial in losing weight! I guess I'm going to have to give it a try.

Okay, pity party over. Time to move on and deal with incorporating this new change into my life. I can do it! I'll let you know how it goes.

31 August 2017

Weight: Lost so far: Still to go: Diet followed:
157.9 kg 0.9 kg 76.2 kg Reasonably Well
   (2 comments) Losing 2.1 kg a Week

30 August 2017

29 August 2017


I'm not a milk person, never have been. as a matter of fact, we don't even have milk in our house - we use unsweetened almond milk (yup - even in mashed potatoes, baking, etc.). I guess that was why when my doctor said no dairy I thought "no big deal". No big deal?! I am a dairy HOUND! I love cheese, cottage cheese, crema, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, Greek yogurt and let's not forget coffee creamer!

I was given an extensive list of "Not Allowed" foods and food groups:
*no dairy
* no red meat
* no pork
* only lean cuts of hormone free chicken and turkey
* no "WHITE" foods (bread, sugar, potatoes, etc ...) - you know, yummy carbs ***I thought this was going to be my biggest problem but NO, it's the dreaded no dairy!

I had to figure out a way pretty quickly to make this one work. it's a learning process for sure but I'm learning how to make coconut milk yogurt from scratch (I'll share the recipe once I know it works), vegan cheese alternative for my beloved favorite all time food - PIZZA, as well as any other dairy cravings/needs I encounter. I will say this, I'm definitely learning a lot on this journey to the new me ☺

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